research aims at describing (1) the implementation of scanning and skimming in
answering reading comprehension test of the eighth year students of SMP XXX (2) the result of implementing the scanning and skimming techniques
in answering reading comprehension test of the eighth year students of SMP XXX (3) the students’ responses to the implementation of scanning and
skimming techniques in answering reading comprehension test.
research is conducted in SMP XXX. The writer takes a class of the
eighth year in 2006/ 2010 academic year that consists of 40 students as sample.
The writer implements action research with four action procedures and collects the data through test, observation,
and interview.
analyzing the data, the writer finds that (1) the implementation of scanning
and skimming in answering reading comprehension test run well, the students are
able to implement these techniques to answer reading test, (2) the result shows
that by implementing scanning and skimming, students can minimize 43% of their
previous normal average time in answering reading test, they consume 75 seconds
to answer a reading question before implementing scanning and skimming and 43
seconds after implementing scanning and skimming (3) almost all students argue
that scanning and skimming are helpful in answering reading test, scanning and
skimming are new skills for them.
scanning, skimming, reading comprehension test
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