ACADEMIC YEAR.2002. Research Paper. Muhammadiyah Universty Of Surakarta.
English at Elementary School is to introduce simple English words. The
objective of this research paper are to describe the procedures, the
result, the advantages and disadvantages of teaching English by using
games. The objects of this research have some fields, such as the first,
about the classroom, the second, about the things in the livingroarn,
the third, about the things around tile kitchen, the fourth, about
numbers. It is an experiment research. The writer takes 30 Students as
population. The writer takes all the population as sample because the
subjects is less than one hundred. To know the result of teaching
vocabularv, the writer gives two kinds of test: pre-test and post-test.
Each test consists of' 30 test items. In pre-test, the highest score is
90 , the lowest score is 43, and it’s average score is 70,4, while in
post-test, the highest score is 100, the lowest score is 70, and it's
average score is 90,6. From tile two tests the writer compares to know
what are the results of teaching English by using games. Finally, the
writer concludes that by using games the students can achieve the target
vocabulary well.
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