HP. 0856-0196-7147


Minggu, 15 Desember 2013

PTK SD 207 = Ig 167 : Employing Picture To Improve Student's Vocabulaary Mastery (A Classroom Action Research at the Fifth Grade of SD XXX in Academic Year 2009/2010)


The objective of the research are to describe: 1) the process of teaching noun using picture media at the fifth grade students of SD XXX academic year 2009/2010; and 2) whether picture media strategy is effective to improve the students’ vocabulary mastery on noun of fifth grade students of SD XXX academic year 2009/2010.

The type of the study is Classroom Action Research (CAR). The process undertaken in this Classroom Action Research follows the model of Kemmis and Taggart using three cycles. Subject of the study in the research are 5th grade students of  SD N XXX. The object of the study was contextual teaching and learning model to improve students’ vocabulary mastery of the fifth grade students of  SD NXXX. The data employed in the CAR are test and non test results. The test results gained from post tests on each stage, whereas the non test results gained from observation, interview and students’ journal. The technique of analysis data employed in the research refers to qualitative analysis proposed by Huberman. The technique of analysis is based on three main components namely data reduction, data display, and verification.
Based on the research findings and discussion, the classroom action research concludes the following conclusions: 1) The process of teaching noun using picture media at the fifth grade students of SD XXX academic year of 2009/2010 is done by presenting the material using pictures that show the noun both in singular and plural forms and also both in countable and non countable nouns; and 2) The picture media strategies effective to improve students’ vocabulary mastery on noun of the fifth grade students of SD XXX academic year of 2009/2010. It is demonstrated by the students’ passing level that improves starting from 57.14% before the cycle into 76.19% in the Cycle I; and increases into 90.14% in the Cycle II. The students’ achievement in vocabulary improves before the cycle up to Cycle II. The tests results show that students’ mastery on teaching material improve from cycles to cycles. The average score before the cycle was 63.57. It increases into 69.05 in the Cycle II. The average score, then, increased into 72.62.

Key words: Vocabulary, picture media, Classroom Action research.

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